Aiko’s Dive: Preorder Now and Support Rescued Kitty Cats!

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Aiko’s Dive is a very important book to me, but not just because I spent five years working on it.

If you turn to the dedication page of the book, you’ll see this:

An image from the dedication page of Aiko's Dive. It says, "For Anastacia and Bagheera"

During the course of working with my publisher on this book, both of my kitties passed away. And since one of the main themes of Aiko’s Dive is dealing with grief and learning to move on, I decided to dedicate the book to them.

Both Anastacia and Bagheera were rescue kitties. And as much as we’d love another kitty, we’re not quite ready.

That said, I’ve decided that I’m going to donate 10% of my first royalty check to a local animal rescue called Smart Animal Rescue. They rescue both cats and dogs, but the location near me specializes in kitty cats ranging from normal to special needs (but all of them are adorable).

This rescue survives purely on donations and are 100% foster based, so they take fantastic care of all the kitties they rescue.

So, if a science fiction book about an orphan girl who discovers she’s the last human in the galaxy sounds interesting to you and also love kitty cats, consider picking up Aiko’s Dive. Not only will you get a riveting sci-fi adventure, but you’ll be helping rescued kitty cats find new homes!

You can read the first chapter for free here and preorder book here.

In loving memory of Anastacia (left) and Bagheera (right):

A picture of a black cat sitting in front of a Christmas Tree. The cat's name is Anastacia.
A picture of a black cat wearing a small knitted beanie. The name of the cat is Bagheera.

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